Recommended Boutique -- Cheng Shifa's painting “Maiden and Sheep” *本次藏品 程十发 少女与羊 镜心 印鉴:十发 题识:丁卯冬月程十发漫笔于三釜书屋 程十发 (1921年4月10日一2007年7月18日),籍贯上海市金山区枫泾镇人。名潼,斋名曾用“步鲸楼”、“不教一日闲过斋”,后称“三釜书屋”、“修竹远山楼”,中国海派书画画家。 程十发幼年即接触中国字画,但给他印象之深莫过民间艺术。1941年毕业于上海美术专科学校中国画系。1942年在上海大新公司举办个人画展,1949年后从事美术普及工作,1952年入上海人民美术出版社(华东人民美术出版社)创作员,1956年参加上海画院的筹备工作,并任画师。长期任上海画院院长,是一位成就斐然、中外盛誉的艺术家。山水画笔墨已颇具功力。20世纪50年代以来,以连环画、插图影响于画坛。此后,艺术视野不断拓展,“取古今中外法而化之”,在人物、花鸟方面独树一帜。在连环画、年画、插画、插图等方面均有造诣。工书法,得力于秦汉木简及怀素狂草,善将草、篆、隶结为一体。他的画早年受陈老莲影响,以至后来青藤、八大山人、石涛、新罗山人的画风也给他启示,他的特殊表现方法,给美带来了隽永的趣味。晚年,画家多作花鸟画,笔法、墨法更趋灵动,色彩明艳,构成新颖。出版连环画《孔乙己》、《画皮》等,出版有《程十髮画语录图释》,画集有《程十髮花鸟习作选》、《程十髮近作选》、《程十髮书画》、《程十髮画集》等。《儒林外史》插图获1959年莱比锡国际书籍装帧展览银质奖。《孔乙己》荣获首届全国连环画绘画评奖二等奖。 画册有《程十发近作选》、《程十发花鸟习作选》、《程十发作品展》(日本版)等。作品多次在国内外展出并获奖。生前为中国美术家协会理事,全国文联委员,中国画研究院院务委员,西泠印社副社长,上海中国画院院长。2007年7月17日18点58分,著名国画大师程十发先生因心力衰竭抢救无效在上海华东医院病逝。 Cheng Shifa (April 10, 1921 - July 18, 2007) was a native of Fengjing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai. His name was Tong Tong, and the name of his study was once “Bu Whale House” and “Don't Teach a Day of Idleness”, later called “Three Cauldrons Study House” and “Cultivating Bamboo and Faraway Mountain House”. “Cheng Shifa is a Chinese painter and calligrapher of the Sea School. Cheng Shifa was exposed to Chinese calligraphy and painting at a young age, but he was impressed by nothing more than folk art. 1941 graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of the Shanghai Fine Arts College, 1942 held a personal exhibition at the Shanghai Daxin Company, 1949 engaged in the popularization of art, 1952 joined the Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House (East China People's Fine Arts Publishing House) as a creative writer, 1956 took part in the preparatory work for the Shanghai Painting Academy and served as a painter. In 1956, he participated in the preparatory work for the Shanghai Painting Academy and served as a painter. In 1956, he took part in the preparatory work of Shanghai Painting Academy and became a painter. He has been the president of Shanghai Painting Academy for a long time, and is an artist with great achievements and reputation in China and abroad. His brushwork and inkwork in landscape painting were already quite skillful, and since the 1950s, he has been influential in the painting world with his comic strips and illustrations. Since then, his artistic vision has been expanding, “taking the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign methods and transforming them”, and he is unique in figures, flowers and birds. He is also accomplished in comic strips, yearbooks, illustrations, and illustrations. He is an expert in calligraphy, with a strong emphasis on Qin-Han wooden slips and Huaisu's wild cursive, and is good at combining cursive, seal script and clerical script into one. His paintings were influenced by Chen Laolian in his early years, and even the painting styles of Qingteng, Bada Shanren, Shitao, and Xinluoshanren inspired him later, and his special method of expression brought timeless interest to beauty. In his later years, the artist mostly made flower and bird paintings, with more dynamic brushwork and inking, bright colors and novel compositions. He published comic strips such as “Kong Yi Ji” and “Painted Skin”, etc. He also published “Cheng Shifa's Pictorial Quotations and Illustrations”, and collections of paintings such as “Cheng Shifa's Selected Exercises on Flowers and Birds”, “Cheng Shifa's Selected Recent Paintings”, “Cheng Shifa's Calligraphy and Paintings”, “Cheng Shifa's Paintings”, and so on. The illustrations of The History of Confucianism were awarded the Silver Prize at the Leipzig International Bookbinding Exhibition in 1959. Kong Yi Ji” won the Second Prize of the First National Comic Strip Painting Award. The albums include Selected Recent Works of Cheng Shifa, Selected Exercises of Cheng Shifa on Birds and Flowers, and Exhibition of Cheng Shifa's Works (Japanese edition). His works have been exhibited both at home and abroad and have been awarded prizes. Before his death, Mr. Cheng Shifa was a member of the Chinese Artists Association, the National Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a member of the Academy of Chinese Painting, the vice president of the Xiling Printing Society, and the president of the Shanghai Institute of Chinese Painting. 18:58 on July 17, 2007, Mr. Cheng Shifa, a famous master of Chinese painting, died in Shanghai East China Hospital due to heart failure after a failure to save him. *本次藏品 程十发 少女与羊 镜心 印鉴:十发 题识:丁卯冬月程十发漫笔于三釜书屋 近期我公司有幸征集到一幅程十发的《少女与羊》,典藏规格68.5cm x 48.5cm,画中的少数民族少女席地而坐,手举花朵,身前蹲坐一只羊,少女脸圆腮红,面带微笑,形象朴实而健康,人羊相依,画面显得温馨动人,暗合了“大吉祥”的寓意。画家以精细而多变的线条勾绘少女,薄施淡彩,形象生动而略带夸张,呈现出少女清新烂漫的气质。羊则以减笔勾绘,主轮廓几乎就是粗重的一笔写就,而正反阴阳肥瘦暗寓其中,笔减而形不损,可以看出程十发高超的笔墨技巧和造型能力。少女和羊是程十发爱画的题材之一,温馨、美、善是这类题材的主旨所在,也表达出程十发对平凡生活中美好事物的喜爱之情。这幅画属于程十发中晚期的绘画风格,设色、构图都较自如、豪迈,注重线条笔法,喜用夸张,但夸张而不失“实”,写“实”中又尽显物之神韵。 Recently, our company had the honor to collect a Cheng Shifa's “Maiden and Sheep”, the collection specification 68.5cm x 48.5cm, the painting of the ethnic minority girl sitting on the ground, holding up flowers, squatting in front of a sheep, the girl's face is round and blush, smiling, the image of the simple and healthy, people and sheep rely on each other, the picture looks warm and touching, which is in line with the symbolism of the “great good luck”. The picture looks warm and friendly, alluding to the symbolism of “Great Luck”. The artist uses fine and varied lines to sketch the girl, thinly applying light color, the image is vivid and slightly exaggerated, presenting the girl's fresh and rosy temperament. The sheep is sketched with reduced strokes, the main outline is almost a thick and heavy stroke, while the positive and negative yin and yang, fat and thin implicitly, the pen is reduced without loss of shape, which can be seen in Cheng Shifa's superb ink and brush skills and modeling ability. Young girls and sheep are one of Cheng Shifa's favorite subjects, and warmth, beauty and goodness are the main themes of these subjects, which also express Cheng Shifa's love for the beautiful things in ordinary life. This painting belongs to Cheng Shifa's painting style in the middle and late stages of his career, with more freedom and boldness in coloring and composition, focusing on line strokes, and preferring to use exaggeration, but exaggeration without losing the “reality”, and showing the charm of the object in the writing of the “reality”. 以上藏品相关信息请与:四川君再来拍卖集团有限公司联系。 For information about the above collections, please contact: Sichuan Jun Zailai Auction Group Co.